Calathea and Maranta Blend - Soil Ninja
Super cool Mix for Calathea & Maranta!
Our mix is perfect for your trendy Calathea and Maranta plants! We made a blend of Coco Coir, Perlite, Vermiculite, Zeolite, Activated Charcoal and Worm Castings. This creates a mix that is super airy and retains moisture at the same time.
The mix has numerous small air chambers that are perfect for the fine roots of Calathea and Maranta. The extra airiness also helps new shoots grow and provides extra protection against root rot. The Vermiculite, Zeolite and Coco Coir ensure that enough moisture remains in the mix, reducing the risk of accidentally underwatering. This way we prevent these dramatic plants from drooping or drying out.
What do Calathea and Maranta want from their land? These plants especially need moisture. They come from the rainforests and do not experience dry periods. But beware, it is also very easy to overwater these plants, especially since they respond to different environmental factors that can make it seem like water is the problem. To prevent this risk, we have made the mix extra airy, which also benefits the growth and root structures of the plants.
And best of all: Our mix contains a vibrant community of good bacteria, mycelium and microfauna. This ensures a healthy ecosystem in the pot, which is good for your plants! And if that's not enough, we've also added nutrients that provide your plants with energy during the first 2 months of growth. And don't forget our special nutritional storage element, Zeolite.
Ideal for: Banana Plant, Angel Wing Begonia, Grape Leaf Begonia, Lucerna Begonia, Polka Dot Begonia, Bird of Paradise, Bright Star, Calla Lily, China Doll Plant, Christmas Tree (Potted), Coleus, Hawaiian Wedding Vine, Nerve Plant , Parakeet Flower, Parrot Plant, Party Time Plant, Peace Lily, Persian Shield, Schismatoglottis Wallichii, Spider Plant, Baby Bunny Bellies, Creeping Basket Plant, Giant White Inch Plant, Moses In The Cradle, Purple Spiderwort, Red Hill, Silver Inch, Waffle Plant, Zebra Plant.
With this super cool mix, your Calathea and Maranta will become real eye-catchers in your plant collection!